About Us

Away We Go!

Welcome to Three Free Birds. Katie Bird here and this is my first official post – oh it feels good! We created the blog as a way to chronicle the progress of our journey to financial independence and to keep us accountable. We sometimes ask ourselves, are we really who we think we are? Would we really leave our careers? Can we save enough to take that dreamed about sabbatical abroad? Are we able and willing to live on one income? Can we really save enough to “retire early.” We hope the blog will be an exercise in exploring these and many questions. We welcome the chance to connect with other individuals and families who are navigating modern life and balancing family and finances with their dreams of the future.

In the coming posts, we will share more about where we’ve been and where we are going. As for our name, well, our little bird has taken to pretending we are a family of birds. Sparrows, goldfinches, robins, you name it, he loves them all!  We could think of no better image than three free birds to propel us on our journey of saving, striving, dreaming, sharing. Thanks for coming along.

You may see us in photos from time to time,  but we will keep our names and identities private for now.

You can contact us anytime at [email protected]